Plastic Memories Wiki
Plastic Memories Wiki
# Image Title Air Date
01 PlasticMemoriesEp01 "The First Partner"
(はじめてのパートナー, Hajimete no Pātonā)
April 5, 2015
02 PlasticMemoriesEp02 "Don't Want to Cause Trouble"
(足を引っ張りたくないので, Ashi wo Hipparitakunai Node)
April 12, 2015
03 PlasticMemoriesEp03 "We've Just Started Living Together"
(同棲はじめました, Dousei Hajimemashita)
April 19, 2015
04 PlasticMemoriesEp04 "I Just Don't Know How to Smile"
(うまく笑えなくて, Umaku Waraenakute)
April 26, 2015
05 PlasticMemoriesEp05 "The Promise I Wanted to Keep"
(守りたかった約束, Mamori Takatta Yakusoku)
May 3, 2015
06 PlasticMemoriesEp06 " Welcome Home the Both of Us"
(2人で、おかえり, Futari de, Okaeri)
May 10, 2015
07 PlasticMemoriesEp07 "How to Ask Her Out"
(上手なデートの誘い方, Jouzu na Dēto no Sasoi Kata)
May 17, 2015
08 PlasticMemoriesEp08 "The Fireworks I've Never Seen"
(知らない花火, Shiranai Hanabi)
May 24, 2015
09 PlasticMemoriesEp09 "After the Festival"
(祭りの後, Matsuri no Ato)
May 31, 2015
10 PlasticMemoriesEp10 "No Longer Partners"
(もう、パートナーじゃない, Mou, Pātonā Janai)
June 7, 2015
11 PlasticMemoriesEp11 "Rice Omelette Day"
(オムライスの日, Omuraisu no Hi)
June 14, 2015
12 PlasticMemoriesEp12 "Filling Up with Memories"
(想い出が埋まってく, Omoide ga Umatteku)
June 21, 2015
13 PlasticMemoriesEp13 "I Hope One Day You'll be Reunited"
Itsuka Mata Meguriaemasu You ni)
June 28, 2015